Sunday, January 20, 2013

Elizabeth Vaness with the 1752 Lace Company
will be here next week----
Friday, January 25th-10:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.
Saturday, January 26th– 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
The 1752 Lace Company offers the largest selection of
fine cotton English lace and lace fabrics
available in the United States
and is the primary source of English netting lace.
Elizabeth has designs in white, ivory, ecru, black
and a few in luscious colors.
She is also bringing antique French lace edgings,
insertions, and embellishments
and other one of a kind items.
She will also have an assortment of silk, satin,
cotton, and other fine fabrics.
Appointments will also be available on Friday and Saturday
for help in designing your one of a kind outfit.
Please call to schedule a time.
We look forward to seeing you.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Storewide January Winter Sale
Monday, January 7 through
Saturday, January 12

50% off ---Winter, Christmas, Collegiate and
Selected Novelty Fabrics
20% off ----Ready to Smock Kits, Sodium Perborate, Brite White, Jewelry, Scissors, Notions and MUCH MORE
Stop by and see the other great deals we have on sale during our Winter Sale!!
**Some exclusions apply.
Mark Youur Calendar
Elizabeth Vaness with the 1752 Lace Company
will be here with her beautiful antique laces, English nettings,
specialty fabrics and other items January 25thand 26th.
Elizabeth is planning something special for us on
Thursday evening, January 24th.
Watch for details in a later email.
Jeannie Baumeister Winter Workshop
It’s not too late to sign up for Jeannie’s workshop scheduled for
February 22nd and 23rd. Limited space is still available.
Jeannie will be teaching two wonderful days of Hemstitching, Embroidering and sewing as you work on a sweet little Old Fashioned Baby Dress.
If you would like more information about this workshop,
call or email the shop today and we will forward
the information to you.